I can't believe it's been a week since my last post. Sometimes it really baffles me how quickly the time passes, and I do have to wonder if I'm spending it in the most productive way. Productive not necessarily equating to efficiency, but more focusing on progress towards some (admittedly undefined) end goal.
Been in a bit of a reflective state lately, I think a combined effect of having recently seen family, visited with old friends, and started yet another project at work. All have made me realize time has passed and that whether or not I have been conscious of it, I had / have some expectations about what life would look like at this point. Of course the reality doesn't exactly mirror the expectations. And that's okay. In some ways it's better; but there are other undeniable areas for improvement and focus.
Somewhat choppy photodiary of the past week. Philly with Jason to recruit at Wharton, but the real highlight was seeing Steph...
NY for work didn't warrant any photos, but Fri night back in the Bean meant Royale with some dancers...
Drove to CT on Sat with Bella (!!!) for Nick & Naoco's wedding. Beautiful, heartfelt, and sincere but lighthearted and playful. Great to reunite with so many amazing and fun people from MIT. Wish I had taken more photos, but it seemed like many others had that well under control.
Got back on Sunday and spent the evening eating leftover Cracker Barrel from the ride home (thanks, Andre), watching Nikita, finally finishing the closets, and starting to paint the hallways. The cordless drill is a great invention.
Looking ahead I think I'm in NY, Dallas, and Chicago across upcoming weeks. My body aches to dance. I miss my Nailz.