The weeks just keep flying by. Nothing incredibly interesting has happened recently, but here goes regardless...
The periodontist cut up my mouth a week or so ago, resulting in my being drugged up and unable to eat until about two days ago. The pain didn't really hit until about six days after surgery, and actually brought me to tears which really surprised me and kinda freaked me out since I tend to have a higher pain threshold. The surgeon even told me I'd make the perfect wife because I handle pain well. (This was before the tears, and also made me wonder what marital horrors he's been through...)
I acquired another painting, which I have yet to mount. It was done by a lovely Brazilian artist, Camila, whose warmth and ease I quickly recognized and admired.
I discovered my first grey hair. Had me wonder how long that's actually been there, just hiding amidst the fakeblonde. I guess the good news is, my real hair is coming back. Oh, by the way, I'm growing it out.
Work brought me to Chicago last week, but between the pain and drugs I couldn't really eat anything, wine was out of the question, and it was depressing watching everyone play while I struggled to just stay awake. Through the haze, the highlights were the Museum of Science + Industry (particularly the Smart Home, which I found very inspiring for my own renovations) and Otom (their gnocchi was my first solid meal post-surgery, huge yum!).
Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Getting off the plane from Dallas on Friday was quite a shock. Went from mid-80s weather all week to mid-40s at night in Boston. Brr! Really not a fan of how we skip right over fall (and spring) here and pretty much go straight from summer to winter and back. Where did that in-between point go where I could go out in chunky sweaters and scarves?
Ran a bunch of errands this weekend. Really, just on Sunday because I was completely beat after Friday night shenanigans for Dinna's bday party. Picked up some seriously colorful cleaning appliances, a couple shoe racks (which make me SO happy), some new fancy hangers, and a painting.
This large piece is a good start, but I will still be looking for a few additions. I still have to paint the trim in the living room and then may actually be ready to play with furniture layouts. Whee! It certainly helps that I'm actually in Boston this week, although working 12-hour days may not be too conducive to getting stuff done. Especially when work follows me home but I decide to post first instead.
Ran a bunch of errands this weekend. Really, just on Sunday because I was completely beat after Friday night shenanigans for Dinna's bday party. Picked up some seriously colorful cleaning appliances, a couple shoe racks (which make me SO happy), some new fancy hangers, and a painting.
This large piece is a good start, but I will still be looking for a few additions. I still have to paint the trim in the living room and then may actually be ready to play with furniture layouts. Whee! It certainly helps that I'm actually in Boston this week, although working 12-hour days may not be too conducive to getting stuff done. Especially when work follows me home but I decide to post first instead.
home decor
Thursday, October 14, 2010
howdy, y'all
While many of you were in bed Monday morning because it was Columbus Day / Canadian Thanksgiving / you are lazy, I was on a 6am flight to Dallas. Thank you, work.
But I really can't complain because the first two days here were kinda a paid vacation (although not what I would have picked on my own). I'm here doing a little bit of market research / consumer insights stuff for this project I'm on, so Monday and Tuesday were mostly "cultural safari", which is fancymarketingtalk for riding around Dallas in a limo bus checking stuff out, writing notes, and having profound thoughts. Not bad. Maybe I need to consider a career change.
Among many things work-related and not, I had an old-fashioned pharmacy-made lime freeze, had some crazygood jalapeno ranch popcorn, tasted many wines at Cork via a series of touchscreens which allow you to purchase a taste, glass or bottle (fun!), picked up some venezuelan fudge with rose petal jam and mahleeba (?!), and went to the Texas State Fair, which is apparently the largest state fair in the country, if not the world. Honestly, the fair was the least exciting for me, although the "corny dog" was really good. Was a little intimidated by the jalapeno cheese stuffed corny dog, which I slightly regret, although I'm sure my arteries thank me. I was also stuffed from a day of grazing, and chose to skip the fried beer, fried butter, fried pickles, fried s'mores.....

I'm really looking forward to American Thanksgiving, when the five of us will all actually be together in Baltimore. Christmas will be quite the different story, but I guess I can't always have it my way.
Also really excited for this weekend in Boston, as I feel like some progress is finally visible in the apartment. The living room is painted and the couch is moved in. I think I have some wall art and a rug picked out, so we might be getting civilized soon!
I need to find a way to dance more. And stretch.
But I really can't complain because the first two days here were kinda a paid vacation (although not what I would have picked on my own). I'm here doing a little bit of market research / consumer insights stuff for this project I'm on, so Monday and Tuesday were mostly "cultural safari", which is fancymarketingtalk for riding around Dallas in a limo bus checking stuff out, writing notes, and having profound thoughts. Not bad. Maybe I need to consider a career change.
Among many things work-related and not, I had an old-fashioned pharmacy-made lime freeze, had some crazygood jalapeno ranch popcorn, tasted many wines at Cork via a series of touchscreens which allow you to purchase a taste, glass or bottle (fun!), picked up some venezuelan fudge with rose petal jam and mahleeba (?!), and went to the Texas State Fair, which is apparently the largest state fair in the country, if not the world. Honestly, the fair was the least exciting for me, although the "corny dog" was really good. Was a little intimidated by the jalapeno cheese stuffed corny dog, which I slightly regret, although I'm sure my arteries thank me. I was also stuffed from a day of grazing, and chose to skip the fried beer, fried butter, fried pickles, fried s'mores.....
I'm really looking forward to American Thanksgiving, when the five of us will all actually be together in Baltimore. Christmas will be quite the different story, but I guess I can't always have it my way.
Also really excited for this weekend in Boston, as I feel like some progress is finally visible in the apartment. The living room is painted and the couch is moved in. I think I have some wall art and a rug picked out, so we might be getting civilized soon!
I need to find a way to dance more. And stretch.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Finally have some furniture in the living room! It's scattered haphazardly all around me, so no photos for now, but soon!
Huge thanks to my pops who drove up with a bunch of wonderful stuff. And only to turn around and drive to NY tomorrow! What a trooper.
Also picked up a gorgeous red sectional which happens to be super comfortable. Love! I realized I've been on a red sofa streak (past three apartments), but I suppose there's no reason to stop now.
Super excited I'm only traveling two days this week, which means I should be able to make some significant progress on the home front. Hoping to pick up a painting and a dining table within the next week. Or maybe (more realistically) two weeks. We shall see...
Huge thanks to my pops who drove up with a bunch of wonderful stuff. And only to turn around and drive to NY tomorrow! What a trooper.
Also picked up a gorgeous red sectional which happens to be super comfortable. Love! I realized I've been on a red sofa streak (past three apartments), but I suppose there's no reason to stop now.
Super excited I'm only traveling two days this week, which means I should be able to make some significant progress on the home front. Hoping to pick up a painting and a dining table within the next week. Or maybe (more realistically) two weeks. We shall see...
home decor