While my posts tend to be all about me, I feel compelled to start bragging about the wonderful people in my life.
Partly because of the amazing things she is doing, like bringing electricity to Tanzania (on top of the Ph.D. and dancing everything), but also because she's one of those people who without fail brightens my day, up first is Rhonda!
You are an inspiration - one of the most amazing people I know. I am blessed to have you in my life!! Love.
I feel a little silly saying it, but my watch makes me so happy!! I find myself just looking at it and smiling. You really can't tell in the photo, but the face is actually white mother of pearl and has a subtle iridescence to it. So pretty.
I just indulged in a little online shopping, but I blame work. Upcoming travel has made my need for new flats very real. My old ones were put to rest after essentially drowning in a rainstorm (sad!) And well, sprinting through the airport in heels just doesn't cut it for me (getting there early and walking slowly doesn't work either). Thanks to the free shipping/ free returns policy at shoes.com and Piperlime, I have a nice little selection coming my way! And I may have thrown in a pair of heels...oops.
Been listening to the Burlesque soundtrack. I watched the film this week and loved it! The story is nothing amazing, but Christina is truly talented and just so much fun to watch.
Today I spent a little time brainstorming new PROnailz shirts.. it quickly turned into arts & crafts time, and voilĂ ! a new tank was born. Please meet the groper (somewhat inspired by Christina's costume for Express):

Sooo excited to have brunch tomorrow with Shimmy and friends. Fried chicken & waffles, my stomach will be dreaming of you tonight.
I finally got around to ordering my watch and it arrived today in all its ohsofabulous glory... And I love it!
After weeks of unsolved fatigue, I'm finally starting to feel like myself again (and hopefully I'm not jinxing myself by saying that!) It was a pretty good day today... not so freezing, way too many donuts at work (thank you Jason), lots of green tea chai, and some quality time at home with my lovely new watch, last night's Glee (armwarmers!), and nibbles of sauteed mushrooms, pimento olives, Gorgonzola cheese, and pineapple tidbits. Yum!
As the pieces fall into place, I might actually begin posting pictures of my little home. I leave you with a glimpse of a fuzzy corner of my living room...