As I prepare for Liz's wedding this weekend, this post takes on special meaning. No, her wedding is not going to be at home, and will actually have a drastically different feel. But the story conveys the importance of having loved ones around - a good reminder that all the craziness is just stuff, while the relevant part is celebrating love.
This reminds me I still haven't posted about my sister's wedding. There are SO many photos to go through. As a snapshot, here's the "post show report" she put together:

Home improvement continues!
It's not exciting to photo-document, but new faucet aerators make a tremendous difference.
More visually interesting: A while back I was inspired by this post on Apartment Therapy for converting bi-fold closet doors into French doors:
I'm almost done with my version, which is taking longer than anticipated, but I guess DIY is always a learning process. Photos of mine to come soon. Excited!
It's been a productive week of home redecorating, rearranging, and cleaning. Photo below of the reinvented guest room / office! Before photo from the previous owner. After photo is mostly the result of the past few days. Some tweaking is in order, but this is pretty much it!