This is so cool! ["Flashed Face Distortion Effect"] Give it a go
Friday, May 25, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Helloooooo! I've been silent for a bit - apologies. I have been traveling to Ann Arbor weekly for work which really has me pooped lately. But a post on our TV mounting project is long overdue, so here's at least the start of it. For those of you who may not care at all how we did it, here's the end product:
OooooooooooOoOoOoOOOOOoooooooo! Check out how sleek and thin and practically frameless it is! This baby also came with free 3D glasses which work surprisingly well. And after the month+ with the new TV, I must say I'm really enjoying it. The room feels bigger and cleaner, and the actual TV is great too.
While I didn't quite capture it well, here's what the before looked like (but ignore the wall mount back there.. photo was taken in progress rather than before like I should have):

Now I know you're dying to read all about how we did it, right?? Well here we go.
Now I know you're dying to read all about how we did it, right?? Well here we go.
home decor,
home projects