Wednesday, January 26, 2011

suddenly slow-motion

I just put the kettle on and started washing the dishes, and had to think for a moment whether it was still January. Somehow after months of feeling like the weeks were flying by, my daily pace seems to have slowed.

It's been a good night.
I left work at a "normal" hour.. the Clover food truck was still sitting outside of South Station and there were hoards of people on the T. I took my leisure making dinner, put on How I Met Your Mother in the background, and hung out with my sewing machine, fabric swatches (courtesy of the NESADSU Materials Library), and the fifth mug of earl grey + milk of the day.

(Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw)

It felt so good to work with fabric again. I've had ideas bouncing around in my head for designs, alterations, embellishments, but just haven't created anything in months. This little project cropped up last night, when I volunteered to help some friends with dance costumes. Many thanks to Wikipedia and Google for educating me about Harry Potter. Pics of the final products to come.

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