Friday, September 28, 2012

bedroom happenings

We're back from our Barcelona / Sitges trip!  But I haven't gone through all the photos yet so that post will have to wait.  While the trip was amazing, I was really excited to come home.  And even more excited because I had packages waiting for me!  Hello my new friends:

Oh yes, it's time to stop neglecting the bedroom.  I've done almost nothing with the bedroom since moving in.  Sure, I slapped some paint on the walls and threw furniture in there, but for the most part I haven't really thought about flow or utility or how to maximize storage in the small space.  But one thing I did do was hang curtains.  And this is how it's looked for 2 years:

Yes, there are 2 floor lamps just sitting there taking up space.  Please ignore.  I'm trying to figure out what to do with lighting in here.

I decided the curtains look a bit pathetic and don't do the greatest job of easily providing privacy (so. much. work. sliding those things back and forth and I just don't do it).  They also aren't the best at hiding the ugly blinds (which will be replaced one day, maybe by super awesome motorized ones!)

So armed with some inexpensive sheers, extra sets of curtain rings, and about 30 minutes (because climbing up there is annoyingly precarious), I created this:

Better?  I think so.  But I still have to steam them to get the creases out so please don't look too closely.  The curtains look more full and the sheers do a good job of hiding ugly blinds and providing some modesty from peeping neighbors while preserving what little light we get in the room.  Success!  

Here's a close-up of the new layered look:

Since I don't think I've ever really shown the bedroom before (except for the mid-century dresser and a peek at how I redid the closets), here is a mockup of the current layout:
The opening at the bottom goes to the other closet and the bathroom.  

An extra musing which I neglected to mention in my post about project A.D.D. is the thought of rearranging the room like this (option 1):

Or like this (option 2):

But I think option 1 is better.  The main point of awkwardness will be the window on that top wall, which is large and very off-center.  

Solution: I'm thinking I can use the new & fuller curtains to create the illusion of a larger window which is centered on the wall, and thus allowing for a non-awkward-looking centered bed.  

One rainy day we'll try shifting furniture around.  But for now I'm happy with the curtains. 

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